Welcome to the WHYY Member Portal! Use the portal to update and access your WHYY membership. Enter your email below to receive a secure, one-time use link: Enter your email address to sign in or create a new account Please check your email and follow the instructions provided Unable to send email Loading... Email address Email me a link to sign in Having trouble logging in? Make sure you are logging in using the same device throughout the login process. Login using the email address on your WHYY Membership record (you can update it in the portal). Note that you will only see your individual giving and not accounts of other members in your household. Didn't get the email? Check your junk mail folder or spam folder. The Member Portal allows you to do the following: View your WHYY MemberCard Check your Membership expiration date Find your WHYY Passport activation information Update your personal information Manage your newsletter preferences Make a donation Increase your ongoing donation and update your payment method simultaneously (if you’d like to just change your payment method, please call WHYY Member and Audience Services) Can we help you with anything else? Email WHYY Member Audience Services at [email protected] or call at 215-351-0511, Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Thank you for all you do to support WHYY!